Thinking of transferring to Georgian College? Explore and select Programs to consider when transferring. Explore how your academic credits may transfer to a Program. Save your work for future reference. Select an option below to get started.

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Pathway packages/equivalencies as demonstrated are examples of recognition of prior learning as previously approved by Georgian College. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or contract. All arrangements for approved recognition of prior learning remain subject to Georgian College's rules, policies and procedures. For more information visit Admissions - Academic Regulations.
Changes in pathway packages/equivalencies may occur at any time without notice, including as a result of changes to agreements pathway program partners or changes to Georgian College's courses or other relevant circumstances. Georgian College retains the discretion not to accept an application for recognition of prior learning, or to make an alternative offer of recognition that maximizes an applicant's credit, having regard to any unique details of prior learning that Georgian College considers relevant.